You will be able to access the booking page via the website or via
Below are some instructions to allow you to save the booking system to your phone. To add a home screen shortcut, first navigate to your TM3 Connect online bookings site on either your Android or Apple mobile device.
When you first visit the site on a mobile device, your browser will automatically prompt you to add an ‘app’ shortcut to your home-screen.
Simply follow the directions on your device by tapping on the notification and selecting ‘add to home screen’.
The app icon will then be added to your home screen along with the name of the app which is defined by the name of your Connect site. To configure or make changes to your app icon, navigate to your Connect settings within TM3 and locate the app icon image under general settings.
ANDROID DEVICESIf you are an android user, you’ll need to select the three dots at the top right hand of your chrome web browser on mobile and select ‘add to home screen’.